4 Things I Just Stopped Giving a Damn About as a Freelancer

Taking a flamethrower to these might help you feel less stress in your own freelancing business.

Alexander J. Porter
5 min readMar 9, 2023
Image Crystal Weed via Unsplash

I do OK as a freelance copywriter.

I know Medium is ground zero for tall tales and humble brags — but this ain’t that.

I make a good income doing what I love (even if I still have to think twice about getting Uber Eats multiple times a week).

As somebody who’s trying to carve out a career and pay the bills, there’s waaay too much information for freelancers — and some of it is legit dog poop.

Had I followed some of these “expert tips”, I’d have less money and more stress.

So here are 4 things I don’t do while growing my freelancing business. They might help you gain some clarity, control, or confidence in yours.

#1 - Locking clients into long-term (or any) contracts

It’s nice to have a fail-safe, but a contract is no guarantee you’ll get your money.

I’ve had clients vanish and the contract we had didn’t put milk on my cereal. To do the math, I haven’t asked a client to sign a contract in 18 months.



Alexander J. Porter

I am a scarecrow brought to life by the power of anxiety—also a writer and leukemia survivor. I give 10% of my 'claps' and 'comments' to charity.